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Slow-burning composite sheet

Slow-burning composite sheet

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Slow-burning composite sheet

 Slow-burning composite sheet is one of the other best-selling products of the company AluTech This product consists of a fire resistant core and 2 outer layers to slow down the process of fire damage. Slow-burning sheets are B series and if with Refractory composite sheet Familiar with AluTech, you know that they are made of A2, which is the best raw material available in Iran. Features of AluTech slow-burning composite sheet include very low smoke and fire retardant. The ingredients of this product cause less toxic gases to be emitted from it and show excellent fire performance.
One of the reasons why slow-burning composite sheets are so popular is that they are less expensive than refractory sheets; It is also easy to make a hole in this product or cut it.


For more specialized information, prices and free consultation, contact the phone numbers listed on the leading website.

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